The best iron supplements on iHerb

In this article I will tell you what is the best iron on iHerb and my experience with anemia. Anemia occurs when the body lacks red blood cells. Unfortunately, more and more people, especially girls, are facing this condition. You may feel tired, feel cold more often than usual, or your skin may become pale. All of these signs indicate that you need to get tested and have your hemoglobin, ferritin, vitamin B12, transferrin, and serum iron checked. Remember, even if your hemoglobin is normal, it doesn’t mean you don’t have anemia. Be sure to check additional indicators.

best iron supplements on iHerb

If you have taken tests, and they showed that you have iron deficiency anemia, you need to take action. The doctor should prescribe either pills or drips – if the situation requires a quick response. Unfortunately, many doctors prescribe pills from the pharmacy, which can make you feel sick, your stomach hurts, and you won’t see any benefit. I was in this situation. Realizing that the doctor did not respond to my requests to change the medication (most likely, he worked according to certain instructions and did not know about modern drugs that increase iron for a month without side effects), I decided myself to pick up quality iron from iHerb site. I will say right away that it was the best decision!

Top 3 iron supplements from iHerb

NaturesPlus, Hema-Plex, iron complex

iron supplements iHerb

Hema-Plex is one of the most popular supplements on iHerb, and no wonder. It contains chelated iron bisglycinate in a working dosage. This form does not cause abdominal pain, nausea, constipation, diarrhea and other unpleasant effects. Moreover, in addition to iron it contains many vitamins for better absorption, such as thiamine, riboflamin, B12, zinc, selenium, copper, and others. But the most important thing is the presence of vitamin C in good shape. Remember: if you want a quick cure for anemia, take vitamin C along with iron. As for my experience, my ferritin went from 15 to 40 in a month. I felt it right away. First, my hair stopped falling out. Second, I stopped getting dizzy when I stood up abruptly. The price of Hema-Plex is $11 for 20 servings. I highly recommend this product from NaturesPlus. Don’t forget to enter the iherb promo code first order to reduce the price by almost 2 times!

Thorne Research, Ferrasorb, iron with cofactors

iron supplements

Works just as well as Hema-Plex. I take it when the second one is not available. In addition to iron there are vitamin C, folate, B12 and B6. Effective drug, with it I maintain my ferritin levels. The price is $23 for 60 capsules. The serving size is 1 capsule, so enough for 2 months. I take it in courses – one week at a time, on the days I get my period. It just so happens that girls by nature lose a lot of blood from their bodies on a regular basis every month. And if before women ate a lot of red meat, by-products, weighed 70-80 kg and did not suffer from anemia, now most of them want to be 50 kg and look slim. Their diet consists only of chicken and fish, and even this is not much. Or many people don’t like red meat and liver, like me. Because of this with food comes little iron, resulting in a deficiency of this micronutrient. But still, even if you take medication for anemia, be sure to include protein foods in your diet.

I take iron an hour after dinner, when my stomach is not full but not empty yet. I have noticed that it is absorbed best that way. In general, iron conflicts with a lot of things, so magnesium, melatonin, l-cysteine, and other supplements you drink before bedtime should be taken separately.

NOW Foods, iron, double concentration

best iron iHerb

When I was overseas, it just so happened that I had to stay in a country for a few months where iHerb doesn’t deliver. And I didn’t have the pills from home. I had to go to the pharmacy and find a product that worked. Luckily, there was iron from NOW Foods. It only contained iron bisglycinate in an excellent dosage. No different cofactors. But I was not upset, because for a good absorption of this micronutrient in fact only vitamin C is needed. I bought it separately. When I came back home and took the test I was pleasantly surprised: ferritin was 50. And this is great for my weight. In general, many doctors say that ferritin levels should be equal to your weight. I can agree with that statement. After all, when it’s +-50 I feel energetic, and I can move a lot, walk 20,000 steps a day. And by the way, the price on iHerb is only $9 for 90 servings. It is very profitable. But don’t forget to buy extra vitamin C, preferably in doses of 500-1000 mg.

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